October 6

Stop Wasting Time! Get Started with FlipGrid FAST! One Minute Tutorial.

stop wasting time get started wi

If you love life, don’t waste time, because time is what life is made of. –

Benjamin Franklin

I recently had a conversation in a meeting about how valuable time has become since the COVID-19 Pandemic altered life forever. My tolerance for inefficient meeting discussions has dramatically decreased as I seek to protect time with my family in the midst of increasing demands on my time as an educator.

So, if you came here to read my insights, I’ll respect your time and get right to the point. You most likely do not have time to watch a 15 minute tutorial on how to integrate technology into your already busy routine. That’s why I created my “…In Less Than 60 Seconds.” playlist videos. This video from the playlist, found here, is designed to teach students how to get started in FlipGrid with a few pointers on best practice.

The method I use with students is based on the six P’s below:

  1. Paste the code. Students paste their code into www.flipgrid.com and arrive at the assignment.
  2. Press “Record a Response”
  3. Plan your content. This ensures students are set, up, prepped and ready with script and visual aids or drawings.
  4. Publish the video
  5. Picture or “selfie” – To check out some ideas on how to use selfies for social-emotional check ins and protections check this video!
  6. Participate with positivity. Have students comment on other’s work in a positive and constructive manner. Take. time to establish this culture early.

Sometimes we enjoy wasting time because we need to decompress and find relief, but in preparing for lessons and engaging students, a waste in time is never fun in the long run. If you have quick tips or ideas for speedy tutorials or processes, drop them in the comments below or on Youtube below the video. For more tutorials or ideas using FlipGrid in class check out this FlipGrid playlist and I hope they help you Kick Some Class this year!

About the author 

Bryan Zevotek

Bryan is a national award winning veteran educator with over 25 years of experience. He is a two-time author, sought after trainer and keynote speaker. You can check out Bryan's YouTube channel, podcast, and socials above. Bryan currently serves as a STEM Specialist and science curriculum coordinator. He has served as a PBL Coach, Instructional Technology Integrator, and mentor teacher. Bryan's love of nature, technology, and curiosity drives him to make learning fun, engaging, and challenging for all. Bryan is on a mission to make education fulfilling, sustainable and personal for staff and students alike.

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