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A book for every frustrated,  fed up and fried teacher who wants a life of IMPACT, health, and balance!

You CAN have it all, but YOU have to be the HERO!

I found myself somewhere I hadn't intended. The stresses of teaching, family, and much more piled on until I didn't realize my surroundings anymore. I still loved teaching, but THIS wasn't the life I wanted to live. Maybe it sounds familiar.

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Special Message

From Me!

Introduce My NEW Book "Recalculating"

Burned Out?

Recalculating takes a holistic approach to your life with personal stories, powerful reflections, and purposeful choices. It will help you figure out where you are in life, clarify where you want to be, and provide some simple yet powerful tools to get there. You don’t have to pack your stress, anxiety, frustration, and discouragement in your bag and take them to another classroom, school, or job. More importantly, you can stop taking them home to your loved ones. You can find a way to lighten the load, clear the inbox, and find a healthier way. 

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Start your journey out of burnout! In 10 minutes you'll understand why I wrote the book and how I might be able to help.
