New Year Ron-Solutions? Take the Ron Swanson challenge to discover what you’re about in 2024



Do You Know What You're About?

One of my favorite characters of all time is TV persona Ron Swanson from the sitcom *Parks and Rec*. Ron Swanson is a self-proclaimed libertarian known for his unique worldview and quippy one-liners. If you like your information plain and simple with a little sass, Ron is your guy.

In one scene where Ron is sitting in a diner with his friend Leslie, he orders a meat platter meant to feed a large family. When questioned by the waiter about the large volume of food, Ron simply replies:

“I know what I’m about, son.”

A timely reflection

This quote offers a timely reflection as we head into the New Year. Many people are thinking about resolutions, self-improvement, and goals. One problem we can run into is basing these things on personal dissatisfaction rather than on positive inner values.

So before you buy that exercise equipment, sign up for a crash diet challenge, or purchase the shiny new sports car...**ask yourself the Ron Swanson question:**

Do you know what you're about?

I’m not suggesting you take up Ron's habit of eating a platter meant for eight people. But I am asking you to honestly examine your core values.

  • What matters most in your life and work?
  • What are your health and family priorities?
  • How do you want to make a difference in the world?

Knowing what is valuable to you is the key to lasting change. Any personal changes or "resolutions" that you ultimately decide to make will be much more successful if they come from your core values rather than the expectations of others that live in your head.

Living According to Your Values

As I wrote about in my book, we experience daily life primarily in three domains: the physical, personal, and professional. To make a lasting difference in work and relationships, we must first take care of our physical health and well-being.

Any positive changes we want to make around New Year's should align with our inner values. We won't engage in positive change if we make decisions with our outward appearances in mind. We'll likely fail by February if we want to mimic someone else's expectations.

If I play the long game based on my authentic self and continued personal growth, my daily actions and next steps become much clearer. I can live and lead from a place of focus and self-awareness rather than confusion, regret, or self-criticism.

Walking in Power and Clarity

If you want to walk in power, clarity, and focus in 2024, start by asking yourself the Ron Swanson question:

Do I know what I'm about?

Once you know your values, it becomes your filter. That filter helps to avoid becoming motivated by negativity, jealousy, or dissatisfaction. A positive mindset is a powerful motivator for making choices each day. These consistent choices are what allow you to live your purpose and share your gifts with the world.

To take specific steps to be more like Ron, use the RECC Framework I use with coaching clients. Reflect, Evaluate, Cut, and Chart

Reflect on Your Core Values

Set aside quiet, device-free time to journal or meditate on what matters most to you and what you value deeply. What principles guide your life?

Make a list of your top 5 personal values - things like family, health, purpose, growth, etc. How are you currently aligning or not aligning with those values?

Evaluate Your Goals

Look at any goals you've set. Do they reflect what you value most or are they based on others' expectations? Be honest, it's easy to set goals with our emotions rather than our purpose. Your focus should be to set goals based on your identity and mission in life. Do your goals serve the highest priority possible?

Revise or rewrite your goals and resolutions to connect with your core values. Make them about process not surface outcomes like weight loss or financial gain.

Cut Out the Noise 

Audit your social media feeds and influences. Mute or unfollow those who promote values different than your own.

Limit time spent on external opinions and comparison. Spend more time reflecting on your purpose, skills, blessings, etc. 

A great barometer for the things we need to cut is our energy. How do you feel afterward? Factoid: The average state of someone watching a TV Sitcom is mild depression. If something saps your energy to engage it needs to go. Not everything we "enjoy" actually helps us achieve what matters most. If you can't cut it from your life, establish a clear boundary for interaction and influence.

Chart Your Course

Study those you admire who stay true to themselves over time despite societal pressures. What can you learn from them? 

Proactively make choices each day that align with your values to live and lead from an authentic place.

Suggested Reading 

Here are a few books you may consider reading to expand on the ideas above.

  • "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown 
  • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear 
  • "Digital Minimalism" by Cal Newport 
  • "Linchpin" by Seth Godin 


One final thought. 

This guide should spur deep reflection and motivate determined action. If conducting this type of deep inner work leaves you feeling stuck. If you are uncertain about your next steps as you head into the new year. I offer 1:1 coaching for those seeking meaningful personal or professional change. 

This article was free, working personally with me for a few months is less so. However, this coaching program will empower you to:

  1. Understand what motivates you at the deepest level
  2. Assess current alignment across key areas of your life 
  3. Redefine success and form goals from your purpose
  4. Overcome limiting beliefs, fears, or distractions
  5. Implement systems and routines in place for sustainable change

This coaching process and relationship leads to breakthrough clarity, focus, and measurable progress toward your most fulfilling goals. Check out what one client recently sent me after just a few sessions.

A complete shift...

Charles P, 

Wow man, what a great meeting! I feel like a job that I hate has shifted to a job that I love with some extra responsibilities that I can manage, to go along with it. 

And a bunch of other good stuff. 

Learn More About Coaching.  

Secure your free session and see how I can help you have a year that would make Ron Swanson proud.

About the author 

Bryan Zevotek

Bryan is a national award winning veteran educator with over 25 years of experience. He is a two-time author, sought after trainer and keynote speaker. You can check out Bryan's YouTube channel, podcast, and socials above. Bryan currently serves as a STEM Specialist and science curriculum coordinator. He has served as a PBL Coach, Instructional Technology Integrator, and mentor teacher. Bryan's love of nature, technology, and curiosity drives him to make learning fun, engaging, and challenging for all. Bryan is on a mission to make education fulfilling, sustainable and personal for staff and students alike.

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