January 29

DO-OVER! I used ChatGPT to discover the 5 things octogenarians would change about life if they could.


January 29, 2023 in 

When we think about our lives, we all want them to make a difference. No one wants to waste their life but do we look for people who can help us make that a reality before it’s too late. If you’re like me you don’t find yourself around an abundance of octogenarians, 80 year olds, to ask these probing life questions.

So what’s a guy to do? Take the questions to the popular AI chat bot ChatGPT. Try it for yourself HERE. Side note here, Chat GPT is all the rage right now in late winter 2023 and it is not going to go away. We need to find unique ways to use this technology to improve our lives, our jobs, and our health. We need to leverage AI to help us Kick Some Class.

Check out the tweets that came out of the Future of Education and Technology Conference #FETC this week as evidence of the vitality of ChatGPT.




podcast cover
Kick Some Class
DO-OVER! I used ChatGPT to discover the 5 things octogenarians would change about life if they could.

About the author 

Bryan Zevotek

Bryan is a national award winning veteran educator with over 25 years of experience. He is a two-time author, sought after trainer and keynote speaker. You can check out Bryan's YouTube channel, podcast, and socials above. Bryan currently serves as a STEM Specialist and science curriculum coordinator. He has served as a PBL Coach, Instructional Technology Integrator, and mentor teacher. Bryan's love of nature, technology, and curiosity drives him to make learning fun, engaging, and challenging for all. Bryan is on a mission to make education fulfilling, sustainable and personal for staff and students alike.

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