The Most sold and most valuable action figure of all time is…
It may shock you that Darth Vader is the number one sold and highest-valued action figure of all time. Everyone needs a villain in their story. We can find great value in knowing what we are against IF it helps you declare what we are for.
Just because you need to know who the villain is, doesn’t mean that is where we focus.
You have to be the hero of your story. You’re responsible, you are empowered. Focusing on the villain makes you a victim and that’s dis-empowering.
When you label a person as the villian you tend to treat them like one. Is that what you want for students? Colleagues? Parents?
This episode is a quick overview of one of the chapters in the book, “The Hero’s Mindset.” The book is called “Recalculating” and it is available on amazon if you’d like to dive deeper, follow along or pass it on to someone you love, maybe even someone who is acting as a villain!!

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