November 12

The importance of creating and embracing a culture of failure with Carl Hooker.


November 12, 2022 in 

How have our policies and programs actually served the success of our students in life? Beginning with the end in mind was one theme of this conversation, it’s one you don’t want to miss.

College and career readiness was the buzz word…, nevermind if they were college and life successful.

Carl Hooker

CArl Hooker…

In this episode, I sat down with education technology guru, author, speaker, and podcaster Carl Hooker. We talked about the future of education, his new book, and how COVID impacted teachers everywhere. You can connect with Carl at

Ready, Set, Fail?

I love the idea of this book and the culture we create around a growth mindset and innovation. Carl and I had a chance to chat about reading the innovation culture in a classroom and modeling what that looks like so kids feel safe to try. Carl’s new book Ready, Set, Fail is available online now.

Check out the video too!

PIck it up on Amazon here.

Want a free chapter of the book?

podcast cover
Kick Some Class
The importance of creating and embracing a culture of failure with Carl Hooker.



About the author 

Bryan Zevotek

Bryan is a national award winning veteran educator with over 25 years of experience. He is a two-time author, sought after trainer and keynote speaker. You can check out Bryan's YouTube channel, podcast, and socials above. Bryan currently serves as a STEM Specialist and science curriculum coordinator. He has served as a PBL Coach, Instructional Technology Integrator, and mentor teacher. Bryan's love of nature, technology, and curiosity drives him to make learning fun, engaging, and challenging for all. Bryan is on a mission to make education fulfilling, sustainable and personal for staff and students alike.

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